Calling all Mothers of Preschool and School-Age Children

A great way for moms to connect and socialize while the kids enjoy playing together. There is no need to register; just show up.
A great way for moms to connect and socialize while the kids enjoy playing together. There is no need to register; just show up.
- Monday, February 10, 5-7pm, Lodi Junction Thrift Shop: Moms come out and thrift shop with us
- Tuesday, February 11, 10am-12pm, Katzakian Park: Giving back through the “Adopt A Park” program
- Wednesday, February 12, 10am-12pm, Peterson Park: Join us for Valentine’s Day craft, cards and exchange treats. Dress for a mess and bring a treat to share.

MOMCo REGISTRATION – Meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays from September-May, 9am, Fellowship Hall
Calling Moms of kids of all ages, plan to attend our first 2024/25 year meeting. We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 9-11am in the Fellowship Hall. Here, you will find comradery with other Moms. You will laugh together, work on crafts, play games, enjoy deep talks, and encourage one another. Childcare is provided. There is a MOMCo International registration fee of $37, which you may pay directly through their website below. In addition, this year’s Faith registration fee is $60, and you can print your registration form and pay by clicking on the link below. Hope to see you there!
Calling Moms of kids of all ages, plan to attend our first 2024/25 year meeting. We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 9-11am in the Fellowship Hall. Here, you will find comradery with other Moms. You will laugh together, work on crafts, play games, enjoy deep talks, and encourage one another. Childcare is provided. There is a MOMCo International registration fee of $37, which you may pay directly through their website below. In addition, this year’s Faith registration fee is $60, and you can print your registration form and pay by clicking on the link below. Hope to see you there!

- MOMCo (formerly MOPS) program is in need of childcare volunteers . The group meets from 9-11am every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month September through May.
- FAITH KIDS' MINISTRY is also in need of volunteers on Sunday mornings beginning in August.
Moms (with any school-aged children), are you looking for a support group? Join MOMCo for laughs, crafts, games, deep talks and encouragement.
Our meetings are held monthly on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 9-11am, September-May
Click HERE to print out this year’s Registration Form
Faith Community Dues are $60 for the year.
MOMCo International Dues $37, Click HERE
For more information about our MOMCo program or any of the above events
contact Liz Hammond 209.663.0298 or
An annual registration fee is required by MOPS, International. This secures your membership and entitles you to a one-year subscription to MomSense bimonthly magazine, a theme book, and access to the MOMCo website featuring forums and MOMCo University.
MOMCo meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays,
September through May, 9-11am
Fellowship Hall
Our meetings are held monthly on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 9-11am, September-May
Click HERE to print out this year’s Registration Form
Faith Community Dues are $60 for the year.
MOMCo International Dues $37, Click HERE
For more information about our MOMCo program or any of the above events
contact Liz Hammond 209.663.0298 or
An annual registration fee is required by MOPS, International. This secures your membership and entitles you to a one-year subscription to MomSense bimonthly magazine, a theme book, and access to the MOMCo website featuring forums and MOMCo University.
MOMCo meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays,
September through May, 9-11am
Fellowship Hall
MOPS is an international organization that exists to encourage mothers who have children ages 5 and under. It's a place where Moms have the opportunity to make new friends, share experiences, laugh together, and learn trusted principles pertaining to womanhood, marriage, and parenting. Mops also provides opportunities for social outings geared specifically for preschool aged children and their mothers.
If you are a mom who...
Is pregnant or has a child aged newborn through Kindergarten...
Enjoys making new friends...
Wants to share the challenges and joys of motherhood...
Is looking for opportunities for personal growth through trusted resources...
Then yes, MOPS is DEFINITELY for you!
If you are a mom who...
Is pregnant or has a child aged newborn through Kindergarten...
Enjoys making new friends...
Wants to share the challenges and joys of motherhood...
Is looking for opportunities for personal growth through trusted resources...
Then yes, MOPS is DEFINITELY for you!