MEN’S BBQ & MOVIE NIGHT – Saturday, March 29, 5-9pm, Fellowship Hall
Hey guys, join us as we wrap up Men’s March Madness with a BBQ and Movie Night. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall for some great BBQ and, yes beans, then make our way to the Worship Center to watch the movie “The Forge” on the REALLY BIG SCREEN! This is a night sure to encourage, challenge, and fill your “tank” and stomach. Come and bring a friend! There is no cost, but donations will be accepted the night of the event. Please register in advance by scanning the QR Code.
Hey guys, join us as we wrap up Men’s March Madness with a BBQ and Movie Night. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall for some great BBQ and, yes beans, then make our way to the Worship Center to watch the movie “The Forge” on the REALLY BIG SCREEN! This is a night sure to encourage, challenge, and fill your “tank” and stomach. Come and bring a friend! There is no cost, but donations will be accepted the night of the event. Please register in advance by scanning the QR Code.

Fridays, 6-7am, Worship Center
Men’s Prayer Hour “MPH” is where men of all ages, come ready to seek the Lord together for an hour of prayer every Friday morning at 6am in the Worship Center.
For questions or more information you can contact Elliott Grauman at 209.642.2140 or email
For questions or more information you can contact Elliott Grauman at 209.642.2140 or email
Men's Small Groups

Wednesdays, 6-7am
Fellowship Hall
The HERD is a casual life group where guys sit in a small group and talk about the topic of the day. It's really easy going, a lot of fun and a great place to both learn and feel important, loved and wanted.
Leader: Ken Rowe - 209.327.9564 /
Leader: Ken Rowe - 209.327.9564 /
Grab life by the handlebars!
Check back a little later for information on our upcoming April ride.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities to serve at Faith Community and in our community.
Faith Community NEEDS volunteers to pull all this off. That’s you and me, right now, so next Sunday go to the Connection Counter in the Lobby and get involved!
Examples of this are ushering, greeting, cooking, leading events, serving at events, construction, clean up, and auto repair.
To find a place that fits your gifts, talents and personality simply complete and submit the Contact Men's Ministry Form (below) to begin the process of getting connected!
Faith Community NEEDS volunteers to pull all this off. That’s you and me, right now, so next Sunday go to the Connection Counter in the Lobby and get involved!
Examples of this are ushering, greeting, cooking, leading events, serving at events, construction, clean up, and auto repair.
To find a place that fits your gifts, talents and personality simply complete and submit the Contact Men's Ministry Form (below) to begin the process of getting connected!
209.333.7089 /
209.333.7089 /