Online Through MyFC
- Login to My FC – Click here.
- Give without a MyFC login – Click here.
- Complete your information, payment and giving amount.
Both are safe, secure ways to give either a one-time or repeating gift
via a checking account, debit, or credit card.
For a short instructional video about how to give through MyFC, CLICK HERE.
- Complete your information, payment and giving amount.
- Stock Investment Account Transfer (contact the office for account info.)
In Person
- Check or Cash in the offering plate on Sundays.
- Check or Cash in one of our three offering boxes.
- Yes, giving is as easy as sending a text message on your mobile device.
- Simply text the word “GIVE” along with any dollar amount to: 209-691-9716.
- Follow the prompts for a one-time set-up of your contact and debit/credit information.
- Simply text the word “GIVE” along with any dollar amount to: 209-691-9716.
- Be assured that it’s safe and secure.
- To make future giving even more convenient, save the above phone number in your contact list.
- You can give from anywhere, anytime. It’s that simple!
Other Ways
- DURING THE SERVICE: Drop cash or a check in one of the offering boxes located at the entrance to the Sanctuary or at the exit to the patio .
- U.S. MAIL SERVICE: Mail to Faith Community, P.O. Box 1495, Lodi, CA 95241-1495.