Faith Journey

The Faith Journey is a simple organizing of how your Christian walk can be enhanced by the programming at Faith Community Church.

For all Scheduling Information, click HERE.

Starting Point

Starting Point classes are made specifically for those wanting to become a member of Faith Community Church.

Learn the foundations

Foundations Classes are perfect for learning the foundations of the Christian faith.

Accept Christ

Accepting Christ is the single most important decision that can be made. We want to walk with you before and after this decision!

Get Baptised

Baptism is an outward expression of a decision for Christ. We offer classes multiple times per year to prepare you for this symbolic event.


Become more deeply involved in Faith Community by becoming a member.

Core Classes

Core classes are where you can learn deeply about the Christian faith.

Continuing Discipleship


Take your knowledge and use it to lead others!

Bible & Ministry

Learn to teach others the knowledge you have learned!


Elective classes include marriage, family, and other topical classes.